Posts tagged Purpose-Driven Life
Travel Reflections - Purpose In How We Travel

Allan and I recently celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary with a visit to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, for the first time! Canada is so close to us here in New York, yet it took us visiting more than 30 countries before we got to Canada. In reflecting on our anniversary trip, I’m led to share a deeper message that I receive from this experience, rather than writing a typical blog that provides a play-by-play of all we did during this particular trip. That said, for those interested in seeing those details, the video play-by-play of our weekend is available at My Cruising Family on YouTube and is linked here.

I’ve wondered and asked God about how in the world telling people about cruises and travel is glorifying onto Him. How is this a ministry? Well, dare I say that this trip highlights some of the answers to that question, at least a bit, for me.

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PIVOT. One of the most overused terms during the challenges of the past year or so. Now, here I go writing an entire article about it. But, why?

Well, whether I write about it or not, whether I call it a pivot or not, the pivot is something that I definitely did and witnessed others do as well. I’ve found the lessons gained through this experience to be profound, and so, as with other good things in my life, I want to share…

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