A Transparent Heartfelt Note

Before we wrap up 2023, I write this not-so-much blog article, but more-so note, to THANK YOU for supporting My Cruising Family by reading our articles, following our social media channels and pages, and engaging with the content that we produce. Those of you who have been here for a while know that, while our content showcases the family, this is Peta-Gaye writing, and it’s Peta-Gaye usually planning the trips, booking the trips, recording the content, editing the content, scheduling the content, strategizing, managing the logistics, etc. It is A LOT for this mama, and as you may also know, to date, we pay for all of our cruises and travels. So, with that said, as you may have noticed, we did not go hard with traveling in 2023, as honestly, I had to recoup in terms of finances, energy, and mental space after a very travel-heavy 2022. Through the ups and downs that have accompanied this travel creator journey, thus far, I am grateful to God, the Ultimate Creator, for always being with me loving and reassuring me, I am grateful for my family seeing me up close and personal through this journey and supporting me in their own ways, and I am grateful to each of you who show up on this blog, on Instagram, on YouTube, on TikTok, on Facebook, and even now on Threads. Through your engaging support, we are building a real community, and for that, I am thankful!

Now, with 2024 on the horizon, I look forward to what we have in store for the My Cruising Family community, including our biggest trip yet! Go ahead and comment below if you think you have an idea of where we will be traveling to in 2024. Also, please comment below if there are things that you would like to see more or less of in our content.

If you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel, first, THANK YOU… and second, you’ll likely have seen that the two most recent vlogs are lifestyle vlogs, not necessarily travel vlogs, unless your travel involves finding gems in New York City’s natural hair community. That said, I decided to include these videos in our content because My Cruising Family is about more than just cruise ships. Yes, My Cruising Family is about our journeys cruising aboard ships at sea and airplanes in the air, but it is also about us, as a family, and sometimes individually, cruising through daily life. The two most recent vlogs on our YouTube channel - particularly, chopping off years of long relaxed hair to reveal my hair in its natural state and to further learn about my hair and the best ways to nourish it - to me, symbolizes the way in which I am entering 2024, confident and focused on my God-given assignments, blocking out the noise, studying to show myself approved by the Almighty Creator, and pushing forward to accomplish what I’ve been created to do. I hope that this inspires you, in some way, to move forward into 2024 with confidence, faith, and purpose. Thank you for coming along for the journey!

Peta-Gaye DanielComment